Drivers Wanted

Drivers Wanted......Drivers Wanted...... Drivers Wanted...... Drivers Wanted

If you are an experienced Class 1 Truck Driver, and you think you have what it takes to become an hard working North American Truck Driver, capable of doing over 500 miles a day.

Ayr Motor is interested in you.

Email me with you name and I will gladly send you more details. Allow a few days for reply.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Layover in South Carolina

Well here I am again so soon.  Well I had a couple of days off after the last truck. So we ventured into the US again. It only takes 10mins from our house and we are in the US. We went to a place called Presque Isle, Maine. Its 45mins drive north in Maine. We hear about the place all the time on the radio. So we decided to see what’s there. Its nice to see all the places around you and to see what they offer. its cheaper to shop in the US so its nice to see what kind of shops they had. I was sorted with a great big DIY place.

I got into 856 on Thursday and had a load going to Toronto, which I thought was unusual. As I normally go south when I have a truck for a few days. Anyway, when the truck came out of the shop I got my paperwork, then bumped into Joe the owner outside. He wanted me to deliver by 1pm Friday. Which was very tight but said no problem. Went to find trailer, only to find it on the shunter waiting to go in the shop..lovely. Joe made the call and got it straight in. while waiting I gets the message, would I mind taking one of the drivers with me to Toronto. He was going home. With no hours spare to drive. Sure no problem. Eventually trailer was ready and off we went. Soon after leaving, Seth, Joes son got me to ring him. He told me about my reload to Spartanburg, South Carolina, which meant I could not be late for my delivery, to get to the border to meet four other trucks I was crossing with on time. Three of us Ayr Motor, and two flat beds from another company. We all had to cross at the same time in a convoy. Now I was going to be late, so the only way I was going to get it there on time was drive the full thirteen hours in one go. Luckily the other driver stayed up front with me chatting all the way. We got in Toronto by 5am. I just dropped the trailer, hit the pillow, and was out like a light. 1230pm I gets the alarm call by phone to get me up so I was not late getting to the border. Gets to the border and met up with the other drivers to find out we could not cross for another two hours, so off for food it was. Once we crossed the border, I hammered down and left the rest behind getting down here first this afternoon, two days early. Three out of the four followed a few hours later. Normally that’s not a problem. We either get to be off loaded early or we drop the trailer and collect an empty and on we go. Not this time. Its an unusual load for one of our biggest customers. So we all have to sit at this truck stop till Monday morning before we can off load. Pain in the ass, but least its great weather so im off to top the tan up so bye for now.

View over West Virginia

You get a few of these in West Virginia with all the mountains.

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