I went back out on the Sunday. It rained all the way to the truck stop I normally stay at 572 miles away in Maybrook, New York. When I got there, they had had so much rain, combined with the melting of the snow, that it flooded the bathrooms and showers. I guess through the drains.
At first they would not let me use the bathroom, as they was still cleaning them up, but I had not stopped the full 9hr drive, so he let me, otherwise he would have had another flood on his hands.

My family that read my blog moaned at me, because I go into all the details of where I have been, but to them, without having a North American map in front of them are no wiser

This was the map for my last Post 5900 miles
This was my first week on this trip 3600 miles
And this was my second, 3100 miles getting back early Friday morning
It has rained most of the two weeks, but I don’t care, its much better than the snow, which I did get at the end of my first week. I had parked up the night before at the customer in London Ontario, ready to off load in the morning. When I got up at 6am to back onto the bay, the truck was covered with several inches of snow. They was just trying to clear the yard too. It never stopped the four hour it took to off load me, then my reload was in St Mary Ontario, but that meant taking back roads, with very high winds as well as the snow.
As for driving on snow covered roads. I have been really lucky this year, as this was the first time snow really affected driving conditions for me since New Years Day. I have either been in front of snow storms, or arrived after the clean up. I guess I had to have one last taste of bad weather before spring really kicks in. Well I hope thats the last

Anyways its back on the road on Monday, so till next time, Have a nice dayyyy

See how the trees shine?
This was the Morning after leaving the flooded truck stop
That was ice on the trees from the Ice Rain the night before
See how the trees bend over with the weight of the ice
This is Sonic, the new American Drive-ins that are popping up everywhere
you pull into a bay, order your food and get it delivered to your car
by people on Roller Skates like the olden days. Cool Hey
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